Monday, April 4, 2011

A good idea

We used a rubbermaid tote and cut holes in the top for ventilation. Within 2 weeks we knew it was not going to work any longer. Chickens stink. Even if you change the litter and wash the inside.

So off to the garage. Until the garage stench became so strong it wafted into the house. We had to get them out. I was thinking about the green house. It would stay warm, had electricity, and would be safe from predators. I couldn't figure out how to make it work.

Thanks to Elisha, an idea was born. I had to come up with materials. Since it is temporary, I used what I could find. It works well. But holding up the "Coop" is cardboard, duck tape, a washing machine drip pan, and wire taken from around a tree. It's like a homeless shelter for chickens.

1 comment:

Carlson Family said...

Oh man! You are so lucky you didn't have to keep them in your house for as long as we did. They reek! They are worth it when they are laying though!