Wednesday, December 9, 2009

OH Christmas tree!

We decorated the Christmas tree yesterday evening. This was by far the most fun tree our family has ever decorated. Luke was able to hang breakable, and non-breakable ornaments. And Daphne made happy sounds throughout the event. We put on Charlie Brown miusic, and decorated the night away.

I have noticed a big difference in Luke and Daphne. God definately created male and female! I gave both children an identical bird to hang on the tree. Luke took his and hung it upside down. He then began making gunshot noises and announced he had shot the bird, and we could now eat it. He "Shoots" many animals around the house and brings them to Daphne to cook for the pretend dinner. We often feast on stuffed animal cat, plastic bear, and the like.

Daphne took her bird and said "OH! pretty...TWEET...TWEET...TWEEEEEEET." and made it fly all over the family room.

After a while Daphne sat with Ryan and fell asleep.

Luke picked up the camara and started taking photos. They are below. I only helped him a liitle with the final tree picture. He took the other two all by himself. Not one told him how to do anything! I was impressed, to say the least. Maybe he will remind me to bring my camara when we go places!

"Dead bird" vs. "Pretty bird, tweet"

Christmas Tree decorating

Our "Big" photographer

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thank you moving friends

We are now in Oregon City. The move went as smooth as it could. We had so much help from friends and family. ( Thank you all who helped load, unload, pack, clean and feed us! We simply cannot thank you all enough. We are blessed to have such good friends in our lives.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pumpkin success

Pickin' a pumpkin

Happy Harvest!!

Fuzzy Hair

Someone said the other day that Daphne had no hair. This is proof to the unbelievers out there....she does have some hair.


Friday, September 18, 2009

We sold!!

We sold our house! The minister of small groups at Greater Gresham Baptist church, and his wife (a teacher) have bought it. They made us a great offer, and liked the house. She even requested the curtains in the main living space. (Thanks Mom for doing all the work to make those. I will always remember these curtains!!) We are now waiting for the appraisal. The homes in our area are not appraising, so we might have to take less in the end. It is so good that God has this under control. It is good He provides for us when it is His time. Now we wait for a new home. We will keep you all posted when we know more.

Luke now goes through our house clarifying what goes and what stays at the current home. We are wondering how he will do with things disassembled and boxed up. (Maybe we'll have to make a game out of it) Luke hopes we will buy a red house, because red is his favorite color.

Ryan is hoping we can move once. But, whatever happens, this will be a great adventure. Young children make it fun! they turn boxes into forts, they run in empty houses that echo, and they hike a piece of property like they are from the Lewis and Clark expedition.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


We went to Fisherman's bend to go camping with my family and some people from a church we went to a couple years ago. We went to Detroit Lake one day and rented a pontoon boat. We had such fun swimming and putting around. We even saw a port-a-potty on a floating dock!! I realy hope that never tips over!!

Detroit Lake

Little helpers

Manly men-Ethan and Luke

Day hike

We went for a hike to a wetland preserve. Luke and Smokey ran all over the place. They enjoyed looking a bear skat, and checking out animal tracks. After a while the children fell asleep in the stroller.


We had a fantastic visit with Ryan's parents this summer. It was a little while ago, but I am just getting to it now. We went to Wallowa lake in their brand new trailer. It was good to have a trailer, because it rained heavily for half of the trip.

I was told about the bold deer that come right to you. I'd never seen this before. It is strange when an animal that should be fearful of you, is not.

Fishing was good. We only caught 6-12" fish, but they tasted so good. I loved helping Luke learn about catching, killing, preparing and eating fish. He saw them alive and then ate them the same day. The whole family cheered him as the mighty fisherman providing for his family! He just loved it!

Every morning Rick would venture out to catch some warm sun in the site across the road from us. Then Ryan and Luke would join him for a visit.

Thank you Dad and Mom for a great vacation!

Monday, July 13, 2009

4th of July

Forgot the camara! We went to Corbett for the old car parade in the morning with our friends from Moms club and the Hollenbecks. The children all enjoyed flag waving and seeing logging equiptment, tractors, horses and ATV's.

That afternoon we went to the St. Paul rodeo. It was a sold out show. (This means that you sit on wood bleachers right next to someone you don't know) Luke and Ryan were so excited. It was a fantastic show. Luke liked that he could yell as loud as he wanted when a person lasted 8 seconds. Daphne cood at the calves.

We left early because Daphne was holding hands with the gentleman next to me, petting the long hair of the lady in front of me (and kicking her in the back). It is good to have people who are nice to your tired and loud children. Thank you nice people!

We enjoyed fireworks from the car after the rodeo ended. What a great day!

Happy birthday Luke!

Luke will be 4 on 7/15. We celebrated his birthday at Blue Lake park on Saturday. However, Ryan and I both forgot to take pictures!

Luke woke up at 3:45 AM and said "Mommy, today is my birthday party!" He never went back to sleep. Daphne was up due to teething. So I was up too.

At 9:45AM we left for the park. Both children fell asleep on the way in, so we had a smooth unloading period.

He had a Star Wars Theme. Every big child received a blow up light saber. We thought this was a great idea! Ryan and Luke have light saber "Fights" all the time. Not so. Luke was so excited he lost control and had his light saber on time out for a while. And some kid who was not apart of our party, kept stealing them and breaking them. Let's just say I will never again give any kind of weapon in a group setting! HAHA!!

It is good to have friends. Happy birthday big boy Luke.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

House for sale

Our house is for sale. It is a very exciting and strange time. Ryan and I are used to moving with just the two of us, not a family. So here is the individual update.

Ryan is planning all the supplies for the next house. Since we will be getting property he has enjoyed looking at: bigger chainsaws, ATV's, ATV attachments (tillers, graders) riding lawn mowers, tractors, generators, splitting axes, trailers, etc... I know he is having a blast. We have brochures-a-plenty. He sits in the evening and says things like: "Won't it be fun to take the boy out in the morning and mow the lawn together on the riding lawn mower?" or "In the fall we'll ammend and till the spot for the garden." Ryan and I like to garden together. He likes everything I don't about it, and I like everything he doesn't. I am sure glad he likes to water it.

I feel a little like a fish in a bowl. Just now someone has walked up to the house looked in the window and taken a flyer. It's weird. I get up early everyday and do chores while serving breakfast. Then the house is clean and ready to show before 10 AM. I am trying to cook less with salmon, garlic and onions. I am chasing the children and the dog with Windex! Luke likes to put his hand on the window and see the imprint. What a hoot! I feel like that dad on My big fat Greek wedding. In my spare time I am making county calls to see if specific properties have any flood issues, zoning violations, zoning restrictions, errosion problems, and sink holes. I am also researching wildlife. There are many cougars, bears, coyotes, and eagles in the area we are looking at. Ineed to know more about these critters.

Luke is not sure what to do. He doesn't like big change. When I am packing or moving things around. He gets upset. So now I have him help me sort things and we talk about who will buy this house (not our house), and the new one God has for us. He initially thought that everything including our dog would stay with the new owners. HA! So we went through the whole house and talked about what we will take with us. I think he feels a little better. He is currently anticipating camping with Grandpa and Grandma in June. He told the chechout lady today, "You got to be careful for rattlesnakes so they don't bite you. There are rattlesnakes camping with Grandpa and Grandma. We get to take their BIG, BIG, TRAILER."

Daphne has decided now is the perfect time to begin blowing bubbles on our sliding glass door. From her perspective, maybe the bubbles look way better and stand out on a cleaner window.

Smokey (mini-dachshund) has decide that she will be on the couch. She was banned from the couch when we purchased a leather one. She sits on the couch when things are not right, from her perspective.

In the end, everyone needs more cuddles, hugs, rest and kisses. I am thankful to the Lord for His provision for us. He always knows what is best for us. He always delivers in His perfect time. What a happy adventure to have, as a family, together.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring is really going to happen!

Here it is, proof that spring is going to come this year. Even though we had snow....again.....yesterday. Hold in there people. Bees will buzz, hummingbirds will zoom around, and there will be a bird war for tree territory soon enough.

New life flowering

The begining of spring


So I will talk about my boy.
He was born with an induction to labor. The doctor was going on vacation, so she induced 2 weeks early. The induction was not making him descend through the birth canal. Then, after they broke my water, his heartbeat went way up, then down to almost nothing. They pushed the red button on the wall. In a flash a whole bunch of nurses were in the room, removing I.V.'s, injecting me with meds to stop contractions, and putting me on my hands and knees to stop the pressure. They through a sheet over top of me (hands and knees) and wheeled me into the operating room. Then Luke was born 5 minutes later. Ryan almost didn't get to see it!

Luke likes to pretend to be animals. He wants to hunt like his Dad.

He does not like to be dirty. In fact we potty trained him easily once switching to cloth underwear. It was dirty, so he didn't like being wet and pooey. Order is mandatory . At an early age he organized toys into different toy boxes. He like boxes, jars, drawers, backpacks, anything you can put a thing or someone in. He likes nature. Unless nature is too cold or wet. He goes on hikes with Ryan often. He loves trucks. He is disappointed many a time when he hears we have the car and not the truck to run errends in. He also like to "Go fast". I drive slowly. He knows this. He tells me so and reports it to Ryan, often. "When I am a big Daddy, I will have a red truck and go the fastest Mommy!"

He is a good helper. He takes out the trash, recycles, and helps with the laundry. He feeds the dog, sets the table, unloads the dishwasher, loads the dishwasher, etc... Luke holds his sisters hand while she is toddling around the house. He loves to help Ryan wash the truck.

He likes to make up nicknames. Daphne is "Daphinator", "Daph-A-ne"and "Sister". Ryan is "Big Daddy" and "Daddio". I have no nickname. But don't call him a nickname! "I am not a funny goose! I am a boy!" He will say.

Last week he said with finality "Mommy, I do not need to brush my teeth anymore." I inquired why. "Because I am a superhero." he said. This is fascinating to me because he does not know what a superhero is. We do not watch superhero's and none of his friends talk about or play them. He has superman cape, but wears it like a coat.

My one of my doctors has cancer and is enduring chemo, radiation and surgery. I did not explain this to him. He, however, began asking to go see her. He was very concerned for her. We saw her last week. Her hair is gone. So I told him her hair fell out so he wouldn't be shocked. His response after much delay...."Mommy, I will help her find her hair."

He is a sweet, perceptive, imaginative little one. What a treasure he is.

Happy Birthday Sister

Well wee little Daphne turned 1 year on 3/3. I was thinking about her story. So I will share some things.

I was blessed by a non-c-section birth. Luke was delivered by emerg. c-section. I did not expect to have children any other way after that. But after the doctor approved it, and much prayer. Every thing worked out. I labored for 2 nights before she was born. I would be in labor all night, then get up and the contractions would leave. Ryan was a on pins and needles! The second day went normal. Except I was really tired. We had my parents over for dinner. When I was cooking, the contractions started up again. I said nothing and just kept cooking. When dinner was done, I had to sit down. Then the contractions became intense. They were not going away! We went to hospital.

The lights were out in the room. Ryan slept through most of it. I had myself and the Lord (and the TV with people singing). The nurse kept coming in and saying "These are hard contractions honey. Can I get you an epidural?"I said no. It really wasn't bad. I know I would have been OK without one, now. I ended up getting one because if a c-section had to be done again, I could stay awake while she was born. If not, the nurse said I would have to be sedated for her birth. So when I was almost ready to push, I had one placed.

It was a quiet birth. It was a fast birth. It was a sweet birth!

Now she is a year old. She started walking at 10 months, but only for her Daddy! She talks already. If you don't know the words she is saying, you better believe you'll understand her tonalities! She is generally very content. She helps with the home chores. She unloads the dishwasher, helps fold laundry, organizes toys, and plays with brother. She loves to get dirty. She will help in the garden by digging her hands in, pulling out things and eating barkdust. She loves music.

No babyfood for this one. She went straight to adult food. She does not like sweets, but salt. (unless it is a spinach and blueberry smoothie)

She is careful. She watches things to make sure they are safe before she ventures in with new people. That is, unless you are one of the lucky ones. If you are, you picked her up and she was happy to receive you.

What a gift she is!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm getting warm mommy

"I'm getting warm Mommy." Luke says. He lays his whole body on this register every morning too.

Did you remember doing this as a child? Maybe even an adult!

Warm wind


Luke's breakfast

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Old pictures

So I found an old picture me. Then I looked at this one of Daphne. Maybe there is a little Mommy in baby girl?

Daphne at 9 months

Shelsea at 1 year

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cuddle bugs

Daphne fell asleep. I set her in the chair to snooze. Luke fell asleep, but wanted to cuddle with someone. I found them snuggled together. They looked very cozy

Sleeping babes


Daphne is either asleep or awake. She often is crawling around playing with toys, laughing and having fun. Then she rubs one eye and put her head on the floor and is out. I find her in some very strange positions.

I often find Daphne looking out our window. She tries to escape when we let Smokey outside.

Looking in looking out