Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy birthday Luke!

Luke will be 4 on 7/15. We celebrated his birthday at Blue Lake park on Saturday. However, Ryan and I both forgot to take pictures!

Luke woke up at 3:45 AM and said "Mommy, today is my birthday party!" He never went back to sleep. Daphne was up due to teething. So I was up too.

At 9:45AM we left for the park. Both children fell asleep on the way in, so we had a smooth unloading period.

He had a Star Wars Theme. Every big child received a blow up light saber. We thought this was a great idea! Ryan and Luke have light saber "Fights" all the time. Not so. Luke was so excited he lost control and had his light saber on time out for a while. And some kid who was not apart of our party, kept stealing them and breaking them. Let's just say I will never again give any kind of weapon in a group setting! HAHA!!

It is good to have friends. Happy birthday big boy Luke.

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