Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow Cave

Snow machine in Troutdale?

Seriously!!!! Somebody just drove down our street in a snow machine!

back yard

In the last couple of days we have had 2-3 feet of snow and ice. Ryan is actually standing on 6 compacted inches of snow in the sidewalk photo. Ryan has spent close to 5 hours shoveling just so we can get out of the house and to keep the cars free.


Saturday, December 20, 2008

So much snow

Snowed in

A storm blew threw later that day. 30+ mph winds and 6 inches of snow (and still falling). We are snowed in! Even little Smokin' dog had a little hardship. The drifts behind her would have barried her twice.

Don't take my picture, I'm drinking hot chocolate!


Hair!! We have enough hair to put in a rubberband and style! It's about 3 inches long, very fine. and curly (look above her ears -there are little curls).

Live Nativity

Live Nativity

Our church (Lynchwood Church of God) has an annual live nativity each year. This year Ryan was a priest, in the scene when Jesus learns in the temple as a child.

Multnomah Falls

Christmas socking

Yes I said "Sockings". Stockings are special to our family. The tradition started when my Granny cross stiched each greatgrandchild a stocking to fit their personality. Now Granny is with Jesus. But, Nana carries the tradition on (except she hunts one down in the stores or online). Luke received his very own this year. It has a train on it.

Luke:"Mommy, it's a sock".

Mom: "Kind of. It's called a stocking."

Luke: "A socking , Mom!!" he says very seriously "Not a stocking."

He procedes to put the "Socking" on and says he likes it.

The Children love to chase eachother from one end of the home to the other. Luke makes it fair by army crawling.

Brother and Sister

Gone Hunting

Ryan took Luke hunting a couple of weeks ago. They dressed up in hunting gear, took Luke's wooden rubberband rifle, and headed to Sandy River Delta to go "Goose Hunting".
A couple hours later the men return. Luke reports back: "We didn't see any gooses or ducks, Mom. Just labrador retrievers. Lots of labrador retrievers."
Luke would really like a lab some day. So every dog he saw, retrievers, pointers, setters, you name it, it was a "Labrador retriever".

Hat Girl

So I will tell you about "Hat Girl". Daphne has a special face. It only comes out when her daddy's hat goes on her head. Ryan has to take it from his head and put it on hers...then...Hat Girl! We all enjoy this face!

December pictures!