Monday, March 16, 2009


So I will talk about my boy.
He was born with an induction to labor. The doctor was going on vacation, so she induced 2 weeks early. The induction was not making him descend through the birth canal. Then, after they broke my water, his heartbeat went way up, then down to almost nothing. They pushed the red button on the wall. In a flash a whole bunch of nurses were in the room, removing I.V.'s, injecting me with meds to stop contractions, and putting me on my hands and knees to stop the pressure. They through a sheet over top of me (hands and knees) and wheeled me into the operating room. Then Luke was born 5 minutes later. Ryan almost didn't get to see it!

Luke likes to pretend to be animals. He wants to hunt like his Dad.

He does not like to be dirty. In fact we potty trained him easily once switching to cloth underwear. It was dirty, so he didn't like being wet and pooey. Order is mandatory . At an early age he organized toys into different toy boxes. He like boxes, jars, drawers, backpacks, anything you can put a thing or someone in. He likes nature. Unless nature is too cold or wet. He goes on hikes with Ryan often. He loves trucks. He is disappointed many a time when he hears we have the car and not the truck to run errends in. He also like to "Go fast". I drive slowly. He knows this. He tells me so and reports it to Ryan, often. "When I am a big Daddy, I will have a red truck and go the fastest Mommy!"

He is a good helper. He takes out the trash, recycles, and helps with the laundry. He feeds the dog, sets the table, unloads the dishwasher, loads the dishwasher, etc... Luke holds his sisters hand while she is toddling around the house. He loves to help Ryan wash the truck.

He likes to make up nicknames. Daphne is "Daphinator", "Daph-A-ne"and "Sister". Ryan is "Big Daddy" and "Daddio". I have no nickname. But don't call him a nickname! "I am not a funny goose! I am a boy!" He will say.

Last week he said with finality "Mommy, I do not need to brush my teeth anymore." I inquired why. "Because I am a superhero." he said. This is fascinating to me because he does not know what a superhero is. We do not watch superhero's and none of his friends talk about or play them. He has superman cape, but wears it like a coat.

My one of my doctors has cancer and is enduring chemo, radiation and surgery. I did not explain this to him. He, however, began asking to go see her. He was very concerned for her. We saw her last week. Her hair is gone. So I told him her hair fell out so he wouldn't be shocked. His response after much delay...."Mommy, I will help her find her hair."

He is a sweet, perceptive, imaginative little one. What a treasure he is.

1 comment:

lori said...

I love birth stories.

I love reading people's perceptions of their children.

Yay for kids!!