Friday, September 18, 2009

We sold!!

We sold our house! The minister of small groups at Greater Gresham Baptist church, and his wife (a teacher) have bought it. They made us a great offer, and liked the house. She even requested the curtains in the main living space. (Thanks Mom for doing all the work to make those. I will always remember these curtains!!) We are now waiting for the appraisal. The homes in our area are not appraising, so we might have to take less in the end. It is so good that God has this under control. It is good He provides for us when it is His time. Now we wait for a new home. We will keep you all posted when we know more.

Luke now goes through our house clarifying what goes and what stays at the current home. We are wondering how he will do with things disassembled and boxed up. (Maybe we'll have to make a game out of it) Luke hopes we will buy a red house, because red is his favorite color.

Ryan is hoping we can move once. But, whatever happens, this will be a great adventure. Young children make it fun! they turn boxes into forts, they run in empty houses that echo, and they hike a piece of property like they are from the Lewis and Clark expedition.

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