Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"But I didn't want it to happen"

"But I didn't want it to happen" Luke says to me.

I'd sent him out with a garbage bag earlier in the day. A while later we stumble upon this mess.
A good teaching moment for sure. Especially about doing things proper the first time. I felt really bad for Luke. He does not like sticky, dirty things. But it was good for him to clean up all the garbage.

He now reports back to me after taking out the garbage. "Mama, I put the bag ALL the way in the garbage and shut the shed door"


Carlson Family said...

We had a that happen a few weeks ago. I sent Ethan out with a bag of garbage and he left it on the ground and the dog got into it. He wasn't happy I made him pick it up and put it in the correct place but I think he learned his lesson...

lori said...

Very telling expression in the second pic.