Friday, April 29, 2011

Chicken coop

I am so excited to post about the coop. Ryan and I designed this coop ourselves. We had ideas from friends, and two books: Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens and Chicken Coops.

We are so thankful for friends and family. We have had help with so many projects. Thank you Greg, Tim, Rick (Dad/Grandpa) and Dick for lending a hand and some tools! We really appreciate your willingness and hard work.
Luke helped out too. He was in charge of pulling nails.

Notice chickens helping too!
This is the coop on the end. The run is the fenced area. Since this picture was taken, we've stapled a fine mesh wire to the bottom of the coop floor (seen above). We are going to put in removable floors for easy cleaning. We also planned the coop floor 1 1/2 feet off the ground. This is ergonomically easier to clean no stooping). I'll post more progress as it happens.

1 comment:

lori said...

Woo woo! Fancy! Looks really great.