Monday, January 23, 2012

Our Cows

Here are the latest farm animals. Awhile back, we decided animals intended for food, should be named after food. So their names are Coal (#9 ) and Weber (#14). Chosen because the boys will be ON the coals INSIDE of our Weber grill.

I must brag a bit. Ryan had sympathy for the cows standing in the cold rain. He thought up this dandy idea. There was a lean-to on the barn. He rearranged the fence, added two well-placed gates, and created a shelter. It really works wonderfully. They actually behave happier. And they eat less because they are retaining body heat.

This is Coal. He has a black tuft on top of his head. This is about as close to him as I can get. He is less dominant. This is Weber. He has a white tuft on top of his head. He's the one that challenges us if we get too close. Recently, he knocked out a fence board and went out to our non-electrified fence. He was looking for greener pastures, really.
I can't get over Weber's tuft. It reminds me of Pebbles from the Flinstones. Do you know how tempting it is for me NOT to put a barrette on it?


Carlson Family said...

I think this is the first time I've seen the cows! I would want to do the same thing by putting in a barret LOL

Anonymous said...

Yahoo for Cow pictures! The girls are thrilled. So glad that they were there and know exactly where the cows are how your property is. They want to come back weekly :) That white tuft is hilarious. I think that maybe you should work on them being comfortable with you and sneak that barrette in...

lori said...

Fun to see!