Monday, January 16, 2012

Camping and relationships

Oh how wonderful to have the Gettmann's come to visit us. We enjoyed every second. It was so great to see how the children all interacted with each other.

We went camping at the beach. When we arrived it was sunny and in the 60's. No wind. Beautiful. The next several days, it down poured. To the point that campsites flooded and people left. So we all stayed inside the trailer playing games, cooking, and watching videos.

This picture is a fluke. It shows Chloe and Luke far from one another. And Daphne and Lilly snuggled up together. But it is all a trick. Really Chloe and Luke are the close sitter and close talkers. Lilly likes to hold hands and cuddle too. But Daphne only wants who she wants, when she wants them. She thinks holding hands is what babies do. I really don't know where she got this.
Lilly spent much of the trip trying to hold Daphne's hand, play with her, and asking her questions. So there was a lot of training for Daphne , and a lot of patience with Lilly. Poor Lilly. the camping moment is genuine. Lilly loving on Daph, and Daph snuggling in! Yah!

This was one of the other moments. Even though Daph doesn't like holding hands and answering questions, she enjoys a task. Like: "Take Lilly and have her brush your teeth. Tell Lilly where the toothpaste is and how to brush them." So Lilly thinks she is brushing teeth for Daph, and Daph thinks she is teaching Lilly how to brush her teeth. The real together, work together and have fun doing it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay for photos! I love that all of yours are different from mine! Love them all and need copies :)