Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Daphne's 2nd Birthday and Daphne facts

So little one is now 2. We enjoyed a small birthday party. She received clothes and a play kitchen. The kitchen was a hit for her and brother. I like that they enjoy each others toys.

She received 2 frilly skirts. I am a little nervous to go out in public with the second one! There might be a mob of people to comment on it!
She has become her own little person. She is a very physical child. She loves to run, jump, wrestle, throw balls and pounce. She likes to cuddle and enjoys caring for things. Daphne loves her Daddy! She enjoys playing with cars, trains, dirt, rocks, light sabers, and her brothers play rifle. Her favorite toy is her kitty. She likes the outdoors, even if it is cold, she doesn't mind. She also loves shoes. Her shoes, her brothers shoes, her Daddy's, every body's shoes.

Daphne enjoys her friends. She and her brother really like "Get me" and "Super Hero's". "Get me" is pretty self explanatory. "Super Hero's" is running around with capes and doing good things, and occasionally stopping the bad guys (those are always imaginary). We have the Carlson children over often, and she loves playing with them. There are hugs for Erika every week. And she squeals "Efan! Efan!" when she sees Ethan come in sight. The Hollenbeck children visit too. Daphne enjoys having a big sister type to help her and enjoys playing "Girly" things with Kyla.

She has an opinion on her clothes. Beyond loving the color pink (I don't like pink myself), she just likes things a certain way. This is odd to me. I don't really love it. Luke did not like tags sticking out or a rough material. She wants a certain kind of outfit. In fact, there was a sweater she just would not wear. I was sad because it was made of alpaca and was warm. I made her wear it about 10 times or so, because I thought she was ridiculous.
She is a singer. We taught her the ABC's and Twinkle, Twinkle little star. She started mixing them up. Then we taught her Baa, Baa, black sheep. It is pretty funny to hear: "A, B, C, D, wittle staaaaaw. Ow I under utt you aaaaaaw. Ut above the world so high, H, I, J ,K, M, M, N, O, P. Yes, sir, yes, sir, EEEEE bags fuuuuuw. Winkle, Winkle, wittle staaaaaw, Ow I under utt you aaaaw."

Autie Elisha made up a new song. It is to the tune of Only You. You add in the child's name. So the song goes "Daphne, Roooooose. You are my Daphne, Rose" and so on. When you ask her name, she says "Da'ne Wose". She also sings the same tune to "Lukey, booooy, You are my Lukey, boy." She now calls her brother Lukey boy.

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