Monday, March 19, 2012

Pregnancy at 27 weeks

There is a point in all my pregnancies that I get impatient. The 3rd trimester. I start having uncomfortable/painful contractions, I start bumping into people with my belly, I begin to get tired again, flushed face, swollen hands. I know it's wonderful. That it means everything is progressing.

The contractions are completely normal. However, with each pregnancy they become more intense earlier on. I went to the doctor the other day to get checked. I was having 3-6 contractions every hour and I felt full. Like a bursting kind of full. Not a good full for a gal who's had a C-section before. They monitored me. Then they said, "Well, it looks like you have an irritated uterus."

It just sounds funny! It makes me want to say funny things. Like: "I need to sit down, my uterus is irritated." or "I need a drink of water, for my irritated uterus." "Or you think YOUR uterus is irritated, well my uterus..." and so on... I don't actually say these things.

I'm measuring out a little further along than I am. I'm happy about this. I would be happy to have little one a week or two earlier than expected.

I'm planning for the delivery. Which has a new twist this time. Eating gluten-free, oat-free and nut-free. Sounds easy until you know that the hospital does not have a dedicated facility and the food is not certified gf. It is interesting with all the diets and allergies, that they haven't done this yet. So I'll be packing my own food. I also have to plan ahead any meds they are going to give me. If they are taken orally, I have to get them from the pharmacy in advance. I know the ones I typically receive, I have to call the manufacturers to see if they are gf. I'm hoping that I can have another successful V-bac. Then I won't have to worry about a long stay. Maybe I'll give birth so fast, I won't make it to the hospital?! That would be great. I'm hoping to report good news about this adventure after baby arrives.

This also does a number on people bringing meals. Not a huge deal. But when people offer to bring food, and you have to decline. They just plain don't like it. This has been the biggest issue with gluten-free living. The social side. That is a blog itself. One I probably will never write about.

Baby is growing. She is head down. She pushes on the right side with her legs and likes her back tight up against me left side. She's been this way for a couple weeks now.

No name yet. I'm sure that'll resolve itself. You can't have a baby without a name forever.

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