Tuesday, July 31, 2012


We received so many gifts for Faith. This time around, I asked people to borrow things.  I asked for used items. And I asked for unprepared food. We are so thankful for all of our good friends and family.

 This fantastic cake has diapers in the interior. Some people are crazy awesome crafters. Thank you Auntie Karin!
  Maybe babies in hand-me-downs are happier?

Monday, July 30, 2012

What's eating the chickens?

 Several months ago chickens began disappearing. We were losing them between 4 and 6PM. Our neighbor lent us a trap. We set the trap out and managed to  catch our dog a couple times.

Then something came in and took out 8 chickens. The chickens were in the run. The predator waited until the chickens poked their heads through to get grass growing outside the run. The it grabbed their heads and pulled them clean off.

We installed 2x3 inch wire instead of chicken wire due to the bears in our area. So Ryan stapled chicken wire at the base of the coop. then we bought a bigger trap.

Here is what we caught after 4 weeks of baiting traps. We used cat food and tuna fish. I just wish there was raccoon, possum, skunk, weasel and coyote food! We're not sure if this is the only predator.

Ryan's comment when he came near the cage and it came after him was...
"That's bigger than I thought he was!"
Maybe that's what the chickens thought right before they died?