What we've been up to-
The yard work is getting less, while the burn pile is growing daily. It is over 7 feet tall and 15 feet wide. We wonder if there is a legal limit to the size of a flaming burn pile? We wonder if the people golfing that day will think someones home has caught fire? We hope the neighboring blackberry bushes do not catch fire.
We've rid the house of the fleas, and the mice under the sink (we hope). There is still a cougar in the area. We found cougar scat in our back yard a couple weeks ago. And the coyotes here are plentiful. We wake often in the early morning (2-3AM)to a pack running down the street barking and howling the whole way.
The people who own this house informed us they miss it. They plan to move in, when we move out. This can make a person feel a little vulnerable. Like say...vulnerable to a 30 day notice.
We have put several offers on houses. Strange things have happened to prevent us from buying them. We have had a rejected offer with no counter-offer. We have been told that only the asking price would work to purchase one home. We made a solid offer on one house and the couple did not know what the realtor's commission would be. When they calculated the price, and the other costs, they could not afford to sell their home and have it appraise out. We have called our realtor to put an offer on a home, and someone else has already put an offer on it. One home (after we made an offer) had an undisclosed, open murder investigation on it! We are confident that God WILL NOT let us buy a house unless it is the house He has planned. It makes us wonder what He has in store for us.
There seems to be an end to this house and time. But, there is not a place to go forward yet. Ryan and I both feel like we will find a place soon. So we wait.
Learning to be an eager student-
More importantly this is a good lesson. A lesson in faith. To keep and to strengthen faith. A lesson in patience. A lesson in being content in the situation the Lord has allowed you to be in. I do not think it an easy lesson. For me it is finding ways to help Ryan, teaching the children, keeping the home, and being more joyful about it. To smile more. To keep busy and not be tempted to sit and think too much about things. To be...simply just be...to love be-ing!
1 Timothy 6:8:
"If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content. "
"If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content. "
Philippians 4:11:
"Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am."
"Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am."
Proverbs 17:22:
A joyful heart is good medicine,But a broken spirit dries up the bones.