Wednesday, December 9, 2009

OH Christmas tree!

We decorated the Christmas tree yesterday evening. This was by far the most fun tree our family has ever decorated. Luke was able to hang breakable, and non-breakable ornaments. And Daphne made happy sounds throughout the event. We put on Charlie Brown miusic, and decorated the night away.

I have noticed a big difference in Luke and Daphne. God definately created male and female! I gave both children an identical bird to hang on the tree. Luke took his and hung it upside down. He then began making gunshot noises and announced he had shot the bird, and we could now eat it. He "Shoots" many animals around the house and brings them to Daphne to cook for the pretend dinner. We often feast on stuffed animal cat, plastic bear, and the like.

Daphne took her bird and said "OH! pretty...TWEET...TWEET...TWEEEEEEET." and made it fly all over the family room.

After a while Daphne sat with Ryan and fell asleep.

Luke picked up the camara and started taking photos. They are below. I only helped him a liitle with the final tree picture. He took the other two all by himself. Not one told him how to do anything! I was impressed, to say the least. Maybe he will remind me to bring my camara when we go places!

"Dead bird" vs. "Pretty bird, tweet"

Christmas Tree decorating

Our "Big" photographer

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thank you moving friends

We are now in Oregon City. The move went as smooth as it could. We had so much help from friends and family. ( Thank you all who helped load, unload, pack, clean and feed us! We simply cannot thank you all enough. We are blessed to have such good friends in our lives.